Monday 24 February 2014


“Happiness consists of living each day as if it was the first day of your honeymoon and the last day of your vacation.” – Not sure who made this quote but I like it.

The first big secret of happy people is that they are aware they are responsible for their own happiness.
No matter what your starting point may be, no matter what may have happened in the past, no matter the opinion others may have on you, you’re the one who holds the key to your own happiness and if you’re not happy about something, you've got the power to change it.
However, “You can’t change what you refuse to confront.” And if you don’t take the action of confronting the things you want to improve in your life, that’s the same thing as deciding to stay in the same place.
Here’s some tips to get you started on your way to becoming a happier person; 

1. Treat yourself good:  It's one of the oldest sayings in the book; "Your first love should always be self love." But it makes total sense, the one person you always have to put up with is yourself, so you ought to be treating yourself good. Take time to relax and maybe even have a day where you 'unplug' and just have time to yourself for a bit. Let yourself lose track of time, it doesn't even have to be for a full day you could just allocate yourself an hour of the day for a relaxing treatment, to spend watching a film, writing, playing music; whatever it is you like to do. It's important to take time away from your daily routine to re-energise yourself. Those who learn to enjoy their own company are often the happiest of people. "When there is no enemy within, the enemy outside cannot hurt you."

2. Invest in others:   According to statistics, helping others leads to a boost in self-esteem, it makes you feel needed and you feel good about yourself -seeing others do well as a result of your help. Feeling needed and appreciated are good contributors to our confidence and happiness.  Seeing people who appear to be worse off than you can also help you view your life in a whole new light, helping you gain a new perspective on things. Uphold in-person connections, with social networking so popular actually socialising has become less important. Wherever you are be all there, put down your phone for a minute and take time to listen and have deeper meaningful convos. Help fill that feeling of social isolation we all sometimes get. "When you wake up in the morning and your life means something other than to you, you have a purpose." - Will Smith 

3. Engage in meaningful activities:  By engaging in meaningful activities you are making new discoveries/finding new ways to do things. You tend to learn more about yourself and if these activities have a social aspect you meet more people who may be similar to you in some way , shape or form which can build life long friendships. There's so much of the world out there, people who just stick to what they know tend to have the sense that 'something is missing' more often than those who are open to trying new things or involved in activity of some sort. Helping the community out through volunteering or allowing your mind to rest through meditation are examples of activities you can undertake.

"In studies at the University of Missouri, published in The Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, activities that created more positive emotions also enhanced people's experience of meaning in their daily lives." -

4. Be more appreciative : Imagine if everything good you have today was taken away from you and then given back to you at a later date, you'd be so happy when you finally got it back. No matter where you are in life, things could be so much worse, if you're dwelling on what you don't like you're going to attract more things that you don't want to happen to you, whereas if you start being grateful and showing appreciation for what you already have, you'll start to recognise the good things that are occurring in your daily life better. People who focus mainly on the good seem to have a better attitude towards their life. "The happiest people don't necessarily have the best of everything, they just make the best out of everything they have."

Tip to help: I have a 'gratitude journal' - At the end of each day I write  5 things I was grateful for that day, it can be anything as small as 'Having enough time to grab a bite to eat this morning.' or 'winning £1 on a scratch card' and if you're really struggling you can try just 3. It helps you to consciously recognise the good in your life.

5. It's not about the money:

"If you do things for money you make bad choices. If you do what you love [you're a whole lot happier] you'll learn to make money doing it." - Will Smith.

It is common for people to get caught up in the "I just want to be rich." thinking mode, but is it worth the material wealth if it results in you being mentally/emotionally poor? If you can live off your interest, and you can, because jobs are being created in all sorts of areas everyday, then there's no reason you shouldn't. It just takes, taking the progressive steps, doing the research and having hardcore dedication, to do it. It might take some saving and some time but if you've got something to work to you’re generally a lot more driven, especially if it’s something you actualy want to do. We live in a time of peak entrepreneurship,  people are starting to think outside the box, if they can do it, why can’t you? It’s time to stop making excuses and start making improvements.
After all, if you're not doing what you love, you are wasting your time. 

Best of luck with maintaining a positive mindset and taking the action needed to get where you want to be, remember; 

"The grass is always greener where you water it." 

Love and light

Twitter: tyisha_rochelle 

Monday 10 February 2014

Top Inspirational Quotes By Will Smith

"I love living. I think that's infectious, it's something you can't fake." - With a history of Grammy awards and a long list of mega blockbusters to his name, there's no denying Will Smith's incredible success.
As a great source of inspiration, he has always displayed a positive outlook on life and truly believes that we as individuals are responsible for whether we are successful or not; it's not something you find from outside yourself, but rather, it comes from within.

Here are 5 of his many quotes that I found to be motivating/inspiring: 

  • "Being realistic is the most common path to mediocrity." - This quote is telling us to not let others opinions of our vision prevent us from taking the steps to making it happen. Just because it's seen as 'unrealistic' doesn't mean it cannot be done, isn't everything 'impossible' until it's completed? It's doubtful that before electricity was discovered that anybody believed the idea of it was possible or 'realistic', don't let someone else define your reality for you, it's whatever you decide it to be. People that started from the bottom are climbing towards the top everyday, there's no reason why you can't be one of those people, unless you aren't taking the action to make it happen. 

  • "While the other guy's sleeping, I'm working. While the other guys eating, I'm working."- I think the point Will Smith is trying to make here is that you get what you give in life. If you want to be a successful actor/musician/writer/sports person, whatever it may be , and you're not taking any action in the direction of any of those things; than you're not going anywhere fast. If you're not spending all your spare time bettering yourself, taking the steps to be closer to achieving your goals, than you're wasting your time. The dog that trots about finds the bone. We make our own luck. 

  • On learning to swim: "I'm too big to have some woman hold my stomach and say: now kick your feet."- It's about attitude, dedication and responsibility. Don't always rely on others to help you, if you sit at home making no progress towards what you want and instead, are waiting for someone to come along and throw an opportunity your way , you'll be waiting a long time. Stop waiting for the perfect moment to come, take control and go make a moment perfect. Good things come to those who go out and grab them. "A year from now, you'll wish you started today."

  • "As long as I continue to effect people positively there's no version of me not winning."- By helping others out, you are not decreasing the chance of your own success. There's room enough for everyone to be living out their dream.  As Will Smith has also said, "when you wake up in the morning and your life means something other than to you, you have a purpose." It's important to  uphold your social connections, and helping others has been proven to help boost your own self esteem and happiness. We all like to feel needed and appreciated after all, and it's always nice to help someone find their smile. Whoever you meet you have an affect on in some way or the other, whether it's a positive or negative impact is completely up to you. 

  • "In my mind I've always been an A-list Hollywood superstar. Y'all just didn't know it yet" - Believe in yourself and your talents, if you don't it's doubtful you'll get very far, in fact you are more likely to end up miserable, with a feeling of dissatisfaction, doing a job that you really don't enjoy doing. There's many quotes like "you are what you think you are" that back up this idea, if you truly believe in yourself you're giving off a vibe that makes others interested in what you do , then they want to see or hear your work. You can always tell the difference between someone who believes in themselves and someone who doesn't. If you truly want something you should be giving it 100%, if you're going to do something half-heartedly what's the point in doing it at all? 
"The person who thinks he can and the person who thinks he can't are both right." 

Challenge yourself to be better. 

Love and light 