Next time you feel like venting why not write it down in a word document that you can later delete, or take a moment to yourself to just breathe, calm down and then talk it out with your partner, the mature way.
Picture from http://www.flinthosts.co.uk/media/images/blog/AntiSocial-Media.png |
“Cheating and lying aren't struggles, they're reasons to break up.” - Patti Callahan
"A relationship without trust is like a car without gas - you can stay in it all you want but it isn't going anywhere."
Be honest about your needs, your feelings and anything your partner may ask you about. Remember, you don’t have to be cruel to be honest, there are nice ways to say things. Be straight, but be polite.
“The liar's punishment is, not in the least that he is not believed, but that he cannot believe anyone else.”
― George Bernard-Shaw
If you are constantly lying, it can be hard to believe that others around you are telling the truth, which can lead to paranoia in your relationship.
“Things come apart so easily when they have been held together with lies.”
― Dorothy Allison
― Dorothy Allison
Fun you say? Yes, of course you are meant to have fun in your relationship,
it’s not suppose to be draining, repetitive or boring. Being playful keeps the bond growing! Make each other smile, watch
a bit of comedy, go for walks, go to festivals together, on holiday, to studio tours, a gig - whatever it is you two like to do, it can be something you used to do a lot or something completely new.
Another quick tip whilst we are talking about all things fun - work... try not to have this as one of your relationship's main topic's of discussion- it's nice to briefly share work goss, but then relax, have fun, separate yourself from it - always working and always talking about work is known to be a stress causing factor in relationships. You should love your work, but love your relationship too. Make time for no work just fun.
Colour festival avec my boyfriend. |
Be weird, Be silly - Just have fun. |
"Live life fully while you're here. Experience everything. Take care of yourself and your friends. Have fun,
be crazy, be weird. Go out and screw up! You're going to anyway, so you
might as well enjoy the process. Take the opportunity to learn from
your mistakes: find the cause of your problem and eliminate it. Don't
try to be perfect; just be an excellent example of being human.”
One big thing that can be the cause of conflict in a relationship is miscommunication or the lack of it. Truth be told, your partner is not a mind reader so you have to let them know
what you are thinking and feeling. If they do something that irritates you don’t just let
it pass, as it will just build up. Of course it wouldn't be wise to shout at them and go about the situation in a accusing way, but rather, kindly let them know how something has made you feel, "I know you don't do it to annoy me, but I can't help but feel a little annoyed when you don't clean up after yourself. Please may you make an effort to do so? I'd really appreciate it" sounds a lot better than "Oh my gosh, you always leave a mess whatever you are doing, I am not your skivvy, clean up after yourself before I use your face to do so."
Good communication is also being able to
share all the aspects of your life without feeling judged, that includes the
emotional, mental & physical.
Those who spend time bettering themselves tend to have happier relationships than those who are constantly putting others needs before their own. Of course, I am not suggesting to not care for/help others but your happiness is the greatest gift you can give others, when you are in a happier, more loving state of mind you have more to offer to others.
From working on yourself, which may include working on stopping your bad habits like; waking up late, biting your nails or smoking, you will be improving yourself, which can have a direct improvement on your relationship.
It’s also important to have time to yourself as well as time with your partner, the right balance is essential.
Acknowledge each other- it’s important to start acknowledging ‘ordinary’ moments in your relationship, if your partner wants advice on how to finish a piece of work, or simply wants to share with you something they found on the web, take time to listen. The little things really do matter, showing interest in your partner's interest makes them more likely to want to do the same.
Acknowledgement includes expressing gratitude when they do something helpful or cute, it’s important to let your partner know you appreciate their efforts and are supportive of them.
Watch your own actions & insure that what you are saying and doing is not harmful to the relationship. Let the other person know they are loved, you could compliment your partner every day, it doesn't have to be something incredibly cheesy can be something like ‘I really love that top on you’ …
Remember:“Relationships that work are the ones that are worked on.”
Love and light
Hi, you don't know me. But, there are some things I think you really need to know. I don't even know if I'm doing the right thing telling you.. This might just be a huge mistake. But I think there's a lot you deserve to know.