Monday, 25 August 2014


It could be that your relationship doesn’t feel quite the way it used to, or you may just be looking to maintain the good place your relationship is currently in, either way you are in the right place; these tips offer key ingredients that make a relationship work. A healthy relationship needs the time and effort of two committed people. If you want a good relationship you have to put the work in, every good relationship is worth it.


With social media being as popular as it is,  it can be SO easy to vent online when you are in a bad mood and feeling a whole bunch of angry and resentful thoughts towards your partner - it isn’t uncommon to see people’s business spread all over Facebook, Twitter etc. Sure it might momentarily make you feel better to let all those feelings out and even receive support from peers, but the problem with this is that by sharing your business online you are involving others and inviting them to share their opinions on the negative part of your relationship. This means that on the likelihood that you and your partner manage to solve the conflict, others may still hold a grudge toward your partner, or continue to share their views which could possibly make it harder for you and your partner to move on from it. I always see people writing updates like 'Why can't everyone stay out of my business. A relationship is between two people' blah, blah, blah - the bottom line is they only know your business if you share it. You don't want people getting involved? Don't involve them - simple.
Next time you feel like venting why not write it down in a word document that you can later delete, or take a moment to yourself to just breathe, calm down and then talk it out with your partner, the mature way.

Picture from

“Cheating and lying aren't struggles, they're reasons to break up.” - Patti Callahan


Without honesty, trust quickly disappears. And without trust it is very hard to stay in a progressive relationship. Jealousy, suspicion and resentment are all toxic emotions that can be formed from staying in a relationship with someone you cannot trust. A quote I like regarding trust and relationships is:
"A relationship without trust is like a car without gas - you can stay in it all you want but it isn't going anywhere."
Be honest about your needs, your feelings and anything your partner may ask you about. Remember, you don’t have to be cruel to be honest, there are nice ways to say things. Be straight, but be polite.

“The liar's punishment is, not in the least that he is not believed, but that he cannot believe anyone else.”
― George Bernard-Shaw

If you are constantly lying, it can be hard to believe that others around you are telling the truth, which can lead to paranoia in your relationship.

“Things come apart so easily when they have been held together with lies.”
― Dorothy Allison


Fun you say? Yes, of course you are meant to have fun in your relationship, it’s not suppose to be draining, repetitive or boring. Being playful keeps the bond growing! Make each other smile, watch a bit of comedy, go for walks, go to festivals together, on holiday, to studio tours, a gig - whatever it is you two like to do, it can be something you used to do a lot or something completely new.
Another quick tip whilst we are talking about all things fun - work... try not to have this as one of your relationship's main topic's of discussion- it's nice to briefly share work goss, but then relax, have fun, separate yourself from it - always working and always talking about work is known to be a stress causing factor in relationships. You should love your work, but love your relationship too. Make time for no work just fun. 

Colour festival avec my boyfriend.
Be weird, Be silly - Just have fun.
 "Live life fully while you're here. Experience everything. Take care of yourself and your friends. Have fun, be crazy, be weird. Go out and screw up! You're going to anyway, so you might as well enjoy the process. Take the opportunity to learn from your mistakes: find the cause of your problem and eliminate it. Don't try to be perfect; just be an excellent example of being human.”


A positive attitude goes a long way. You have complete control over your behaviours and can choose to focus on the good side of things, bringing positivity into your relationship is one of the best things you can do. Of course, no-one expects you to be a bright ball of sunshine all the time, but sharing positive lessons, thoughts and solutions can be a relationship enhancer. Being positive will not only improve your relationships, but also your life.- Two birds with one stone.


One big thing that can be the cause of conflict in a relationship is miscommunication or the lack of it. Truth be told, your partner is not a mind reader so you have to let them know what you are thinking and feeling. If they do something that irritates you don’t just let it pass, as it will just build up. Of course it wouldn't be wise to shout at them and go about the situation in a accusing way, but rather, kindly let them know how something has made you feel, "I know you don't do it to annoy me, but I can't help but feel a little annoyed when you don't clean up after yourself. Please may you make an effort to do so? I'd really appreciate it" sounds a lot better than "Oh my gosh, you always leave a mess whatever you are doing, I am not your skivvy, clean up after yourself before I use your face to do so."
Good communication is also being able to share all the aspects of your life without feeling judged, that includes the emotional, mental & physical.


Nobody is perfect. A phrase you’ve probably heard 1000 times. If when you first got together with your partner he was a video-game lover or she took hours to get ready, don’t expect that to change as soon as it becomes irritating to you. Within reason , it’s important to except your partners hobbies, traits and characteristics, allow them to be themselves (as long as it isn't a harm to themselves or you). Acceptance enhances relationships.


Those who spend time bettering themselves tend to have happier relationships than those who are constantly putting others needs before their own. Of course, I am not suggesting to not care for/help others but your happiness is the greatest gift you can give others, when you are in a happier, more loving state of mind you have more to offer to others.
From working on yourself, which may include working on stopping your bad habits like; waking up late, biting your nails or smoking, you will be improving yourself, which can have a direct improvement on your relationship.
It’s also important to have time to yourself as well as time with your partner, the right balance is essential.


Acknowledge each other-  it’s important to start acknowledging ‘ordinary’ moments in your relationship, if your partner wants advice on how to finish a piece of work, or simply wants to share with you something they found on the web, take time to listen. The little things really do matter, showing interest in your partner's interest makes them more likely to want to do the same.
Acknowledgement includes expressing gratitude when they do something helpful or cute, it’s important to let your partner know you appreciate their efforts and are supportive of them.


After a while of being in a relationship, it can be easy to slip into a state of comfort which sees the effort you put into the relationship slowly decreasing- you are no longer doing all the things that you did in the beginning to keep your relationship alive and prospering. Just because you have been with someone a while, it doesn’t mean you should stop showing appreciation for them. Many relationships begin to fail because one or both partners feel under-appreciated. You don’t necessarily have to shower your partner with gifts but one or two a month can be a nice gesture to show appreciation. It can even be something you make, like a romantic meal, cakes, scarf, photo frame- whatever. You could make it your aim to surprise your partner monthly. Be there when your partner needs it, when you can tell they’ve had a hard day why not give them a  massage or offer to cook or get takeaway in?
Watch your own actions & insure that what you are saying and doing is not harmful to the relationship. Let the other person know they are loved, you could compliment your partner every day, it doesn't have to be something incredibly cheesy can be something like ‘I really love that top on you’ …

Remember:“Relationships that work are the ones  that are worked on.” 

Love and light

Monday, 18 August 2014


Focus on yourself & the path you are on and allow all others to do the same.

I love this picture quote. It's so easy to believe that other people are doing things 'the wrong way' when they are tackling things a different way to you or doing something that you feel serves them no good. But just because you are accustomed to doing things a certain way it doesn't mean any other way is wrong. Not everyone takes the same path to success - there are many roads that lead there.
It seems to be human nature to stick our noses into other peoples business and judge the path they are on, we are all too quick to criticise others as opposed  to complimenting and supporting them, if you must turn your focus to anothers path why not use that moment to offer them encouragement?
But remember this: "your time is limited, don't waste it living someone else's life"
You can earn back any money you lose, you can buy new clothes when your old ones have seen better days, but one thing you cannot get back is time - so spend yours wisely. 

For tips on ways to focus on yourself, check out this blog post I came across:

Happiness is the greatest gift you can give to anyone so be selfish enough to seek joy.

Love and light

Monday, 11 August 2014


“Good things come to those who wait… greater things come to those who get off their ass and do anything to make it happen.”

You don't have to do something wildly dramatic to lead a more interesting life, small and simple changes can have a long-lasting result. Does your daily schedule seem monotone and repetitive? Are you bored of being bored? If so, it's time to shake up your routine a bit and try something different, here are 5 tips to help you on your way:

  1. Get out of the house! - This is a fairly obvious suggestion that tends to get overlooked, it's time to turn off the TV or computer/laptop/Ipad, Kindle, Phone - whatever it is that is taking up all your time inside the house- and do something. This could be taking a walk, Googling free or cheap events in your area and attending them, visiting a local gallery or museum or even just finding a quiet spot at the library. Make an extra effort to get out the house, because once you are out the possibilities are endless.
  2. Learn something new! - Try your hand at something new, sometimes that's all it takes to liven up your day. Why not take up a new hobby or learn a new skill? You could learn a new language, both DuoLingo and the BBC Bitesize website offer free language learning activities and worksheets to help you on your way! Another option could be to channel your inner musician by learning a new instrument such as the guitar or piano. Take up a new online course, practice a few magic tricks or grab a pencil and paper and learn how to sketch; whatever you are interested in there's bound to be a variety of options available for you.
  3. Meet new people!: Meeting new people can open new doors leading to excitement and adventure. Others may introduce you to new hobbies, interests and activities and give you the chance to make new friends along the way- different people have interesting stories and it can be nice to hear them and share some of your own!.
  4. Make something interesting!:  Why not try crafting something and see if you're any good or just do it for the fun of it?! Pinterest can be used to quickly search for simple projects and thousands of results come up when you look up ideas using a search engine such as Bing or Google.
  5. Travel to new places!:  A guaranteed gateway to meeting new faces, observing different cultures, discovering entertainment, trying out new tastes etc. You don't necessary have to go abroad to venture somewhere new, there's the option of roadtrips to different towns, or heading to the train station and jumping on a train to the cheapest new destination and seeing what happens. Although traveling somewhere new can seem frightening at first it can be refreshing and liberating, especially if you've been stuck in same place for a while. It's hard to stay bored when you are constantly letting new people and surroundings into your life.

If it's necessary schedule excitement into your daily routine, make having fun a priority, take it as seriously as your other commitments.  Just changing up your routine a little or trying something completely different can make all the difference, after-all variety expands our experiences and helps us lead a more fulfilling life.

Love and light

Twitter: tyisha_rochelle